Supporting the work of Northern
We encourage those who feel connected with Northern to consider how we can partner together to continue the work we are involved in.
Volunteering is a great way to support the work of Northern and get to know others in the process. It can be up front roles or behind the scenes, creative arts or helping us to get the most out of technology. Having a conversation with one of the Pastoral Team or the Leadership Group is a great place to start.
Financial Support
There are a range of ways people can financially support Northern Community Church of Christ. We do not receive funds from a central, state-wide denomination or group. As a local, autonomous church, we rely on our church family’s generosity and valued support to continue the church’s activities. Your support of Northern Community Church is greatly appreciated. You can give in the following ways:
Direct Deposit
Account Name: Northern Community Church of Christ BSB: 703-810 Account Number: 05300313
Cash/Giving Envelopes
Giving envelopes are available at the church and can be placed in the offering on a Sunday.
Please make your cheques payable to Northern Community Church of Christ.
Tax Deductible Gifts
Tax Deductible Gifts to CareWorks support a range of community activities. This money does not come to the Church and is banked and accounted for separately. To make a tax-deductible donation to CareWorks, you can use the PayPal button.
A bequest to Northern Community Church will help support people in need. We are deeply grateful for all bequests, large or small. Please contact our Ministry Team Leader, David Toscano on 9484 4788 or via email to discuss the possibility of a bequest.
Northern Community Church of Christ
81 High Street, Preston VIC 3072
Phone 03 9484 4788